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How long does it take to settle a personal injury claim in Atlanta, Georgia?

How long personal injury cases take in Georgia is: most cases are resolved between three months to two years after our firm becomes involved. The majority are somewhere in the middle. If your case can settle quickly, then it will be over in a matter of months.

The length of time it takes to settle a personal injury claim will depend on the details of the case. Some cases are settled quickly, while others may require years of litigation. The type of injury, where it occurred, and the intent of the defendant will determine the length of time it will take to reach a final settlement. However, the process is never quick or easy. If you are wondering how long it will take to settle a personal injury claim, here are a few things to keep in mind.

If you are suing for a personal injury, your attorney will conduct a thorough interview. Your attorney will want to know the specifics of the accident and the medical treatment you received. They will also need medical records and bills pertaining to the injury. These records could take months or even years. This will increase the length of time it takes to settle your case. While there are certain factors that will speed up the process, the following are some of the main factors that will affect the timeline.

The process of settling a personal injury claim is largely determined by the severity of the injury and how long you have been in the hospital. It can take weeks to years and can be even longer for serious injuries. The length of time it takes to settle a personal injury case will depend on the severity of the injuries sustained and the treatments you needed after the accident. If you’re unsure of the length of time it will take to resolve your case, visit right away.

While the majority of cases settle before filing a lawsuit, many personal injury cases require a trial with a personal injury attorney. A trial can last for a day, a week, or even longer. The length of time needed to litigate a personal injury case will depend on three major variables: volume of records, the complexity of the case, and the likelihood of the defendant settling the case. If these factors are all met, then the time it takes to settle a claim is very fast.

In addition to medical records, medical treatment, and other evidence, the time it takes to settle a case depends on the complexity of the case. The process can take weeks or even months, depending on the size of the lawsuit and the amount of evidence that needs to be presented.


In addition to having decades of experience, we have a remarkable reputation for our integrity, skill, and determination in defending the rights and freedoms of our clients. We understand the intricacies of various legal issues may it be personal injury or workers’ compensation and rely on creative approaches to deliver great results. Whether you are dealing with a car accident or work injury we are here for you. Contact us now to start regaining your peace of mind.

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